About NPAG

The National Physiotherapy Advisory Group (NPAG) comprises physiotherapy organizations that are national in scope, support the mission of the NPAG, and provide informational, human, and financial resources for collaborative activities. The member organizations are:

The mission of NPAG is to collaborate and communicate regarding strategic matters affecting quality physiotherapy services in Canada.

To work towards this mission, NPAG meets numerous times throughout the year to share information and insights about current and evolving issues affecting the profession. While not a formal organization, from time to time NPAG coordinates collaborative initiatives that are consistent with the vision, mission and values of the member organizations.

Leadership for any particular initiative is typically assumed by the partner with the most stake in that initiative. NPAG does not make decisions or chose directions in isolation and is dependent upon collaboration and consultation with physiotherapists, physiotherapy groups and stakeholders from across the country.

Terms of Reference
Document review cycle